First time being told about the camp, I was so frustrates because I was looking forward to the coming holiday to spend with my family. I have been to a lot of leadership camp and I expected this camp to be just the same. Only that it will be for nearly a week. I even told my parents that I was reluctant to go there with all my assignments. I pictured the camp to have a lot of talks and if there were physical activities, it will only be to stretch and to avoid boredom. So, I went to Jeram Besu half-heartedly.
i told Shafika about it and what she told me hit me hard. She said that "ini cara Allah nak tarbiah awak, semua orang caranya lain2"... trus terlintas di fikiran....
".....tetapi boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu , padahal itu baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal itu tidak baik bagimu. Allah mengetahui padahal kamu tidak mengetahui" surah Al-Baqarah : 216
so, i tried to open my heart to learn as much as i can while i was at the camp. And true enough, there were a lot of thing to be learn and to be applied in life.
being at the camp with a lot of people, i managed to see that what we perceived of people is not true. there, all KMBians succeed in showing up early for every activities. funny when you think back about it because punctuality is a very big issue among KMB students.
my kakak usrah once told me that if you want to see what Islam wants its umat to do, look at the behaviour of the non-muslims. true enough; Islam ask us to be punctual, to hold on to promises, to really care about cleanliness and who did all this?. Stop looking at the world for this matter, just a smaller scope; KMB. for every event, who shows up early? The non-muslims. Muslims?? Being on time is somehow holding on to promises as you promise to be there at certain time. but nowadays, it's like a stigma on Muslims, Malays specifically to be late, "janji Melayu" right.
It is not that we can't be early, just that we don't want to. The reasons why muslims nowadays are left out in all aspect (this is being pull out by a pope, not me) are because;
1st : we are lazy
2nd : we don't learn our history
3rd : we don't plan
think about it, even they know what are our weaknesses are and they are bold enough to said it out loud. are we willing to just accept and do nothing? renungilah......
dah jadi lain lak, kata nak tulis pasal pushing boundaries camp.. lain kali la ek......
bila anta cakap kat atas pentas tu,
anta ingat lagi x?
janji2 anta bila nak ditunaikn?
kami menunggu...
wasalam... sebelum ana menjawab soalan tu, boleh ana tau siapa yg sedang bertanya...
he he
ana rase sume yang ana janji berkaitan dgn diri ana sahaja.. boleh x bagi tau janji yang mana yang sedang dituntut?
janji itulah yg sedang dituntut.
perbaiki diri
ps: a pot calling a diamond black.
i'm the pot
sedang berusaha,
namun kadang terlupa juga,
sudilah ingatkan sekiranya terjumpa
itulah sebaik2 sahabat seperti sabda Rasulullah tercinta...
hentam je ni... xtau napa kena jwb dlm ayat mcm ni....
nanti aku jawab dlm shoutmix pulak.
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