Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The first thing that i learnt in Pushing Boundaries activities was how to apply concept. the fact that we will not encounter the same experience twice in our life, but the gist of the lesson is we may encounter problems with the same concept. We may not face the same exams again, even though we might have gone through the paper before, and the time constraint is the same, but there will be some differences in the situations; be it our knowledge, our emotions, or whatever it might be.

When i was browsed through Rasulullah's seerah, how he and the Muslims in his time had encountered numerous war (perang), be it Perang Badar, Perang Uhud, Perang Hunain and many more. If we see them as wars, it would be the same for each one of them. Then, why Allah bothers to set them to go to war every now and then? It was not the same every time. Yes, there were a few same concepts in the war, but there were always new things that Allah wants them to learn. How fortunate right? to be taught directly by HIM. Subhanallah! Let say in Perang Badar, He taught the Muslims to rely only in His strength as they were outnumbered; Muslims 300++ while the Kuffar 1000 ++. In Perang Uhud, He taught them to obeyed the order of Rasulullah (leaders), and it was a very painful and expensive lesson as many of us, Muslims, syaheed during this war. If we look thoroughly in each war, there will always a big theme in every events that Allah had set for them, different from each other.

The same thing goes to us. We have to learn from every events that occurs in our life. The ibrah (lessons) that Allah wants us to learn. There will always be something new that we might learn if we look hard enough for it. We need to learn how to conceptualize and apply it back to our daily life. I learnt it in the Pushing Boundaries camp, while Allah had used this method to teach Muslims long time ago. Another prove that all the knowledge in this world is HIS, even though taught in a camp that may be considered to have nothing to do with ISLAM, right?

Well...Think about it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

::dedicated to those dear to me [M08K]::


MO8K people, you were the best classmates that i may have in my life.
I thank Allah for sending me you guys. Sorry for the troubles that i had cause any of you.
Thank you for being there for me whenever i was depressed and down with anything, which happened a lot. Thank you for all the things that you guys had taught me for the 2 years that we were together.

Dibah, Shafika, Adawiyah, Zafira, Asfahan, Farhana, Tiara, Afiqah, Aqilah, Efa, Felicity, Farnaz, Rozaimi, Afiq, Nazrul, Syahiran, Hafiz, Ammar, Zakwan

I pray that where ever you may be after this, Allah will always protect you. Thank you for all the joy and tears that we had shared together, doing classwork, drama, presentation and many more. Hope that those will be cherished by every one of us forever in our life. If ever in our friendship that i did any of you any wrong doings, i beg for your forgiveness. Those were from my weaknesses and i am glad to have you guys pointed them out for me.

Now that we will go through our paths separately, i bid you farewell and all the best in your journey. Remember that Allah will always be there by our side and He will always hear our prayers. I hope that we will meet again someday, even if the encounter is going to be like the story created by Rhoe, I pray that it will be a happy one just like it. But if we are not destined to meet here in this world, i hope that we will meet again in His heaven, inshaAllah.

~I love you guys dearly and I hope that success will always be with you, inshaAllah~

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pernah bersabda:

"Demi Allah yang jiwaku di tanganNya! Tidaklah Allah memutuskan sesuatu ketentuan bagi seseorang mukmin melainkan mengandungi kebaikan baginya.Dan tiadalah kebaikan itu kecuali bagi mukmin. Jika dia beroleh kegembiraan dia berterima kasih bererti kebaikan baginya dan jika ia ditimpa kesulitan dia bersabar bererti kebaikan baginya"

(HR Muslim)

* * *

"Wahai anak adam, jika engkau sabar dan mencari keredhaan pada saat musibah yang pertama, maka Aku tidak meredhai pahalamu selain syurga"

(HR Ibnu Majah)

* * *

Daripada Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:

"Allah berfirman, "Rahmat-Ku mendahului murka-Ku""

(HR Muslim)

* * *

"Barangsiapa mencintai dunia, urusan akhiratnya akan tercicir dan barangsiapamencintai akhirat, dunia akan mengikutnya. Dan pilihlah yang kekal dari yang cepat binasa"

(HR Bukhari & Muslim)

* * *

"Dan Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan tujuan benar, dan agar setiap jiwa diberi balasan sesuai dengan apa yang dikerjakan, dan mereka tidak akan dirugikan"

(Al-Jaatsiyah ; 45:22)

* * *

"Tidak ada suatu musibah yang menimpa (seseorang) kecuali dengan izin Allah; dan barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan memberi petunjuk kepada hatinya. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu"

(At-Tagabun; 64:11)

* * *

"Dan berdoalah, 'Ya tuhanku, tempatkanlah aku pada tempat yang diberkahi,dan Engkau adalah sebaik-baik pemberi tempat"

(Al-Mu'minuun; 23:29)

* * *

"Jika Allah menolong kamu, maka tidak ada yang dapat mengalahkanmu, tetapi jika Allah membiarkan kamu (tidak memberi pertolongan), maka siapa yang dapat menolongmu setelah itu? Kerana itu, hendaklah kepada Allah sahaja orang-orang mukmin bertawakal"

( Ali 'Imran; 3:160)

* * *

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan dengan kesanggupannya"

(Al-Baqarah : 286 )

* * *

"jgnlah kamu bersikap lemah dan jangan pula kamu bersedih hati,
padahal kamulah orang2 yg p
aling tinggi darjatnya jika kamu orang beriman"

(Al-Imran : 139)

* * *

mintalah pertolongan dgn jalan yang
sabar dan mengerjakan solat dan sesunngguhnya
solat itu amatlah berat kecuali orang2 yang khusyuk"

(Al-Baqarah : 45)

* * *
jgnlah kamu berputus asa terhadap rahmat Allah. sesungguhnya tiada yang
berputus asa drpd rahmat Allah kecuali kamu yang

( Yusuf : 87 )

p/s: Tabahkan hati kawan2, kita masih mampu mengharap kepada-Nya. Semuanya belum berakhir lagi.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Doing nothing at home, a conversation suddenly pop-up in my head. A conversation between my aunts regarding their children. The one I remembered the most was about how my aunt's friend only knew that her child is having a test at school when he/she 'sujud' longer than usual for Subuh prayer.

Even a child know that he can only rely on God's power ultimately. Yes, maybe all this while he might not be working hard enough. But, in his heart he still believes in God's power and he still hopes. This is human nature (fitrah) that God creates us with, to rely on something powerful than ourselves, and for us Muslim, it is a must for us to rely ONLY to Him. That child may not know many things about religion, but he hopes for Allah's help.

To me and all KMBians,
lets pray hard and hope for the best.
May what we want be the best for us
not only from our eyes, but from His 'eyes' also.
and may He grant us peace in our heart,
and acceptance to whatever He had decides for us,


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