Monday, August 9, 2010


Salam, my name is Shabaan, I am informing you that my neighbour Ramadhan will be visiting you soon with his wife Rezk and two children; Sahur and Iftaar. They will be accompanied by three grandchildren; Rahmat, Barakat and Touba, they will leave after thirty days by Eid airlines. Treasure them and you will be blessed.

~back to Ramadhan School of tarbiyah, inshaAllah~

"Allahumma balighna ramadhan!"


Leng Chai said...

weee somebody is leaving....
but dont forget the one staying too

Akmal Hayat said...

lengchai: whose staying?

aida: ramadhan kareem!

~AiMaLSyauQiyaH~ said...

>leng chai

akmal already ask for me..

>akmal hayat

yup..semoga kita sempat bertemu dgnnya~inshaAllah

Leng Chai said...


~AiMaLSyauQiyaH~ said...

>leng chai

erk! itulah yg ingin dididik oleh sekolah ramadhan...kalau xde...nk didik sapa? kan...

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